
Archive for December, 2010

Here are a few New Years resolution ideas for better skin in 2011. Cheers to healthy skin!

  1. Wash your face every night before bed –Yes, even on New Years eve after you have been out late partying, no, especially then! Heavy make-up and dirt on your skin will prematurely age you and cause break-outs.
  2. Wear sunscreen every day– I can hear you now, “but I don’t need it when I work indoors all day”. Just do it! You get much more sun than you think.
  3. Get more sleep – I never realized how much lack of sleep could affect my skin until the birth of my son. A solid 8 hours is good for you in so many ways, even your skin.
  4. Exfoliate weekly– We all fall off the bandwagon when it comes to regular exfoliation. Try buying a new product to get excited again, and then you will remember what exfoliated skin feels like. Just keep it up.
  5. Smile more– You can see less wrinkles when you are not frowning! After all it is a new year, enjoy!

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‘Tis the Season


I know I seem a bit obsessed with ways to keep clean and disinfected lately but it is flu season after all! I found an organic hand sanitizing spray that I love and it contains Peppermint so it is perfect for the holiday season. It comes in a small travel size so you can keep it in your purse (perfect for my diaper bag) and use it after touching those dirty escalator rails and bathroom doors at the malls. Happy shopping!

EO hand sanitizing spray with organic Pepppermint

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